Kashish Mehta
Oct 18, 2020


Dave, not sure what you are implying when you say UBS would need more government oversight is a bad thing. I believe oversight would also lead to accountability of the work done to ensure people have a common system to go up the ladder.

Giving money to people is easy, you can print it out thin air. Try contributing by being accountable instead is the point of my article.

Secondly, not quite sure how your rent analogy fits in to your opinions.

The alcoholic example is one of many. And you are stating a theoretical point when you say the government will intervene. Sadly, the reality is, no government will. That's because the government's job would be to provide basic money, what people choose to do with it is not their concern.

The photography example which you have picked up is exactly the reason UBS is required. If there are too many photographers, give people the free service of education to choose another path. That way the government will not need to get involved on a micro level.

You need to look at things from holistic standpoint and not from a single point of view.

That might help you understand things better.

P.S. - Get rid of the theoretical approach. Just because it makes sense in a book does not mean it will in life.




Kashish Mehta

A Blogger sharing my thoughts on Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance, Self Help and Politics. To read more, sign up here https://thecontrarian.substack.com